5 Ways You Could Be Damaging Appliances Without Knowing

February 7, 2023
5 Ways You Could Be Damaging Appliances Without Knowing

We use home appliances every week, if not every day. You would think we’d know all the ins and outs of these appliances because of how often we use them, but we make many common mistakes without realizing. Many of these mistakes can damage our appliances, so we must avoid these poor practices. Here are five ways you could be damaging your appliances without knowing.

Not Cleaning Regularly

All appliances require regular cleanings, whether they’re refrigerators, dishwashers, stoves, ovens, microwaves, or washers and dryers. Dirt, debris, grease, lint, and other particles can collect in these devices and cause them not to work properly. Neglecting to clean your appliances on a regular basis can cause damage. Therefore, it’s important to set aside the time to clean them thoroughly.

Not Changing Filters

Not all appliances have filters, but the ones that do need changing. Some examples of appliances with filters include refrigerators, furnaces, air conditioners, and clothing dryers. Failure to change these filters can cause hazards, especially in dryers. A dryer filter clogged with lint can cause a fire if not taken care of quickly. Make it a habit to check and change filters frequently.

Overloading the Machine

Overloading a machine is another way to damage your appliances. They can only handle so much at a time, so overloading puts too much stress on the machine. This sentiment is true for dishwashers, refrigerators, washers, and dryers. For example, putting too many clothes into a washer or dryer can cause the machine to spin out of control and damage the device more quickly. It’s best to fill the machine with the recommended amount of items.

Not Troubleshooting

You can also cause damage to appliances if you are not troubleshooting problems. Any time an appliance experiences an issue, address it as quickly as possible to prevent it from worsening. If you notice your machine is not working properly, you should inspect it for broken parts or signs of wear and tear. Perform the necessary repairs and replacements, or contact an appliance repair service to find a solution.

Using the Wrong Products

It’s also essential to use the correct products with your appliances. The wrong products can cause unwanted damage. For example, using the wrong type of detergent in a dishwasher or washing machine can cause problems. Too much detergent can also cause issues. Another example is utilizing the wrong cleaning products on an oven or stove. Avoid using harsh chemicals and tough materials like steel wool when cleaning.

Now that you know a few ways you could be accidentally damaging your appliances, you can avoid these mistakes. If you’re looking for a local washer and dryer repair , be sure to contact Local Home Appliance to find out more about our services.

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